Black Magic
Negative Mysticism
is considered as positive", normal, acceptable or traditional.
Transcending ordinary experience, thought and beliefs. Losing touch with societies concept of reality.
Historically, any involvement or activity with demons or Satan was considered black magic. It was not measured by the good or evil intentions in the magic act.
The Black Arts came to be defined as such because of its seemingly diabolical nature.
An example of some of the practices are the invocation and evocations of demons and the dead; paying honor to demons; the use of blood; performing rituals in graveyards as well procuring miscellaneous dead things and other ‘sordid’ cemetery items to be used as props and ingredients in rituals.
Cursing was done at times along with many other types of spells, but by no means is cursing the foundation of this path, it wasn’t then and it is not today!
True black magic is not typical Satanism as reversed christianity. It is not even typical Satanism for that matter. Satan can be looked upon as an initiator, like the Watcher angels. Satan is also a lord of the Underworld and teaches the mysteries of black magic.
The christian religion has nothing to do with black magic.
Blasphemy against the church was created originally by clerics and was a way for them to rebel as well as take the energy from their religious rites and use it to honor the reverse or opposite powers of what they were taught was correct.
Christianity was basically the only religion they knew and the only way they could do it.
The rites of sacrilege have gained their own power over the centuries and have become the focus of a typical black mass.
History has recorded the diabolical and not always accurate practices that became known as the black arts, and it has managed to distort all practices which center on gaining or keeping the hidden knowledge held within nature, the olde gods, and darkness herself.
Most of the old tales of magic have their foundation in some sort of truth, but they (those who oppose or want to conceal the truth) quickly added to and changed the purpose, reasons and definitions of these practices, as well as throwing in damnation for all who approached it.
History shows us that secret wisdom has always been kept from the general population.
Black magic is the practice of harnessing the destructive as well as the creative power in darkness.
It is appalling to most and considered a forbidden art because of its ability to destroy our illusions and uncover our true essence.
A misconception about black magic is that most think that it is limited to only placing curses upon people. Others think the black magician is incomplete and will never achieve balance.
This is not so, because we understand and utilize the process of destruction, chaos, death and creation, we are able to create a completeness within ourselves that most will never achieve.
The practice today still involves the invocations of demons and the dead, but with a difference in the manner in which the demons are asked to appear!
Black magic is the art of spiritual transformation by working with and learning from dark and death deities, demons, and entities.
This path is traveled to gain the wisdom that is and has always belonged to the realm of darkness.
Black magic is considered diabolical because it follows the reverse order, which can also be observed in the symbolism of the inverted pentagram and the circle that is cast widdershins.
Natural order only seems to be forward.
Black magic actually follows the natural order of chaos, death and the Underworld.
Nature itself knows that chaos is necessary in order to create, maintain and break down all life.
The function of chaos is seen as honorable, not evil.
Chaos in this sense meaning the void of creation.
Order is a creation of the patriarchy and is unnatural and unhealthy.
The ones who can not ‘see in the dark’ are the ones who distort what is found there, and this applies to people of all paths, even those who are on a dark path.
Some that are attracted to the left hand path already have a twisted view of what it is to begin with, and this usually does not change.
It is because they can not see past the illusion of evil to gain any real wisdom.
Black magic probably is evil, but that is in the eyes of the society that opposes, fears, and rejects what it does not understand.
Centuries of propaganda directed at disabling the dark powers have now made this a dangerous path. We are so far removed from the actual source of nature, creation and deity that it has become dangerous and difficult to access this wisdom now.
The black arts are the opposite of ‘white magic’ in the fact that it openly embraces and uses the negative - destructive forces and energies.
Black magic deals directly with the forces of creation and the guardians of those mysteries. In order to find your true essence you must first go through the destruction process.
Only when you are stripped of all you thought you were will you come to know who you really are. Again, this path is not an easy one to follow, it is a process that will lead you beyond what you think is possible.
This is why one must enter the Underworld before wisdom is gained.
In the Underworld understanding must be joined with wisdom.
This can only truly happen in the abyss or Underworld.
They are the same place, but have many names and stories surrounding them.
The qliphoth, which are the demons on the reverse tree of life, have gotten a bad rap over the ages. They are part of the destruction process and you must be destroyed before you can achieve any divine state. We have acquired much false knowledge along our way, and here we come to realize this.
The road that leads here is filled with hardship, that is why most turn back and never find it.
Once you work past the upheaval and initial fear you will find comfort within the darkness.
This will not happen over night, for it is a matter of trust on their part and hard work on yours.
They are serious and it can get discouraging and bewildering at times.
Magicians that are tormented by demons are the ones who go into this for the wrong reasons, so please get your intent straight.
You will also receive the curse of Darkness, which will change into tranquillity when you have been purified.
Most peoples lives are built upon what society tells them is real.
When the lies are exposed it can be a traumatic experience.
This is not the only danger, it also applies to those with childish attitudes or are inflated with ego, dishonest intentions, and little to no understanding of what they are dealing with or doing.
If you believe that demons are monsters, as status quo paints them out, they will likewise appear to you in this manner.
You must condition yourself as a fit instrument for the energy you will receive, or it will do more than blow your fuse, it will blow you away completely. Their energy level is high and intense, it is the energy of creation.
Black magic is the process of personal transformation.
The end result is a reconnection with the power of North, which is the Void or deity.
You will possess the knowledge of the Otherworld, memory of the ancestors and the other worlds, and become a guardian and the voice that connects the unseen and seen realms...
Through the ages north has been associated with darkness, and often evil.
It is also the territory of death or the land behind the north wind, and herein lies the void that must be crossed before rebirth or reunion.
Mystics have always represented deity as the void, or the silence of north, this is being able to communicate with deity by experience. When you begin the practice of black magic you create a void. When you find the true balance of opposites by regaining the lost and previously abandoned piece of self, the void fills.
.. The transformations that are encountered on this path can be considered brutal by normal standards, incredibly awesome and intense.
We encounter beings, things, changes in consciousness and an all together foreign reality which in turn changes our reality into one that society would deem as foreign or schizophrenic.
This is because the secrets that have been locked up and hidden away from us for millennia have finally been revealed.
The path of darkness has always been associated with curse and death.
Black magic leads us to chaos and we fall from illusion.
This leads us to ‘purgatory’ and death, which in turn opens us up to the power in and of death by journeying through the Underworld. Black magic breaks down ‘the outer’, our intellect, ego, mind, personality.
Death brings the inner back to life by killing the mind.
The entire process allows us to marry the inner and the outer where they can reign together harmoniously.
This is what it means to be sovereign.
Seal of Leraikhe: Historically he is said to appear as an archer dressed in green; he incites battles and causes arrow wounds to putrefy. He holds the position of Marquis under the sign of leo & the moon. ~
He is a guardian of the secrets of death and transformation. ~
~ Words of wisdom from the UnderWorld
‘Wise is he that seeks to communicate & learn through respect , foolish is the one that seeks false power through curses & constraints of the spirit. Be warned saye we, the spirits of the UnderWorld, seek the true gifts of Darkness ~ and if ye seek us with disrespect, remember - we are not captive or bound to time, so when ye call and dare to curse there is no one bound , save you & thye works. Many there are that go mad within this black void for we bring the curse of Darkness, our gift to the wise & those who seek the wisdom from beyond the veils of time. It is we that do the testing not you, and if ye fail to persevere once thye quest has begun, the tree of death is where thou shalt hang evermore without the goal of North divine. We do not grant safe passage for this is up to you, the courage of the warrior is needed to navigate the depth of hel. Once you pass Modguds bridge, she will demand the toll of blood, die you will, but still remain in the human world. The only way to get to the North is through the UnderWorld. But if ye have the strength and meet the challenge, glorious things will soon unfold.
The darkness keeps her secrets well, fools were not meant to survive & when ye hath finally arrived meet the whirlwinds and the deathless ones and find eternal life.
We are here now, in the world - who among you seeks the truth?
Our voices travel in the wind, listen, feel its power.
Join us then and seek the curse, fear it not for in time it will reveal the true power of North divine & the savior in Darkness..’
The demons and deities of darkness guard this hidden knowledge, and only those who have overcome their own fear and conditioning and have replaced it with respect and sincerity will gain the lost knowledge. These are the ones who seek wisdom at any cost. The road that leads there is filled with hardship and pain, this is why most turn back and never find it. Do not be fooled into believing that you will ever control them through any type of magic. When we wander out side of our realm of understanding, we are apt to make terrible mistakes in judgment ..
The destructive force is paramount in the teachings of black magic,
but its purpose is to rebuild and to always replace the old with even better.
Chapter Two
Magic: Divided & Defined
They do it not out of hate or malice, but out of wisdom
..magic/magick has become completely misappropriated by association.
It has been reduced to its most pathetic form by the whimsical delusions & contempt of the mislead modern practitioners, thereby losing its true power & leading us away from our ancient legacy..
Now we discuss the division of magic. It is true to a point that there is no difference in what it is called, for it is all the same. But it also matters upon ‘which side of the fence you are standing on’ when you make your observation.
I could also say this: magic is magic, but black magic is black magic, and definitely stands apart. Some that enter the practice of magic will never enter the gates of Darkness, and therefore all that is magic.
Black magic is reserved for the few who will dare it.
Black magic is a stage in the magic process, and while your there the total blackness consumes you! Also black magic is black and separated in the sense that all opposites are balanced as well as divided at their proper time.
There is a good example of this in the cycles and patterns of nature.
Thunder and lightening are separate forces, yet most of the time appear together.
Magic as a whole can also be compared to the seasons.
The weather is, but is always changing according to its cycle or season.
Summer is not found in winter and one who resides in a tropical area may not appreciate or care to experience a typical Northern winter.
Magic, as all things, are relative to ones experience.
Black magic has its own four seasons and it is a complete system in and of itself, if applied correctly. Life starts in the dark, we gradually move out from it only to find that we must move back into it in the end.
Do you think darkness is an incapable mother, unfit to teach us everything along our way, when it is she who gave us form and the capacity for wisdom? When we move out from the darkness it is not symbolic of going into light, instead we move into full stupidity.
One does not become wise without darkness, crisis or experience. These things are her gifts, and not the gods of good times. God is good, god is great, god of light, god of love, grant us good health, a good life, an easy time! Just how are you going to learn anything in life if everything is so good?
Balance of the universal or cosmic opposites (positive and negative) are part of the magic process. But to recognize this is another matter. You will never achieve balance without living the secrets of darkness first. Usually one learns about light initially, (or what they consider light, hence false light otherwise known as stupidity) then darkness, for darkness is much more complicated and involved. It is the place of creation, it is the glue of everything that is, is not, and will be. After being sucked into total darkness for many years, you will look at light in a whole new perspective.
What I describe as being black magic is simply one side of the whole. But it is this side which is being discussed at length here. If one has enrolled in college for a degree in a particular field, is that field not broken down into many courses of study. It will be broken down into various categories, classes, and levels. You can sum up your studies with one title, but you will study different things that when combined make the whole, and usually one has a particular specialty within any given field. So then, black magic is one field of study, and an important one at that, in magic.
There are different levels of experiencing the dark powers as there are differing classes of tornadoes. The black magic I am explaining is the highest, an F5 tornado. This is also why I have divided black and white. While you are traveling through the Underworld (during the destruction and gestation periods) there is no light! The pitch black will eventually yield to light, (by the way, the only real light is wisdom) if you survive, but not before its time!
Yes there is a time when all is in perfect balance, and there are times when it is not. This to is an important part of the creation/destruction process.
How can something be created or destroyed if all is balanced? Think about it for a while. Each part is important to the other as the creation and growth factor, but they hold their own purpose as well. Balance is healthy, but when you need a drastic change, the equilibrium must shift.
The more I think about it the better the tornado description of black magic fits:
an F0 tornado -light= chimney damage.
F1- moderate
F2- considerable
F3- severe= roofs and walls torn down.
F4- devastating = constructed walls leveled
F5- incredible= homes lifted off the foundation & carried considerable distances.
The house damaged represents the person involved with black magic. Not everyone will experience the same thing, no matter what you are 'into'. If you are serious about discovering the secrets of real black magic, you better be able to handle an F 5. I did, it was no easy feat, black magic is not meant to be a macho thing, I almost didn’t make it. When I hear people, usually christians, saying things like.. beware the demons..the demons will get you and ruin your life, and its so dangerous etc., I have to laugh hard. I wish I could ask them how they gained their expertise on the subject, for it is all christian hullabaloo.
Demons are dangerous but as has been explained, they don’t do this because they are evil, they are only protecting something very valuable! Yes they will ruin the life you are living at the time you call upon them, but that’s their 'job.'
Your perception of them and darkness will change eventually on your trip. Demons are a major stumbling block for people. As far as the person who is casting spells, the magic is not in and of itself white or black, it is the practitioner that defines this. To say that a love spell or such is white or black makes no difference. This is where it is guided by personality.
There are also three different types of ‘magic’ , the first is glamour which is only illusion, the second is sympathetic, where like is said to attract like , and the last is hypnotic, which amounts to "ego magic".
Real magic is a condition, and its practice is not as easy or cut and dry as most conceive it to be. It needn’t be difficult, but you have to cut through the crap of what you have been taught or told first, and that is exceedingly difficult.
Real magic is a state of being, cycles of experience which changes our consciousness/awareness. Being able to interact with another reality and things that other people are oblivious to is magic. Casting spells is only the beginning and a way to contact that other reality initially.
Spells are a snowflake in a blizzard. Eventually you must look beyond the single falling flakes and see the whole landscape for what it is.
Actually the first step in black magic is to cut out the garbage of what has been said, in order to make room for what is so.
Most people are truly eager for unbiased information but they are bombarded by the opinions and garbage of the magical/occult community as well as society, and that it makes it very difficult to actually form their own opinions and apply their own practical experience and knowledge for fear of looking like an idiot, or being wrong.
The ones who have really learned something are the ones who go against the grain and are not afraid to speak out about what they know.
Of course you will run into the occasional crack pot as far as the occult is concerned, so be careful.
Part of the process to learning is read everything you can, interact with others, but do not always believe what you read or are taught.
There will come a time when you are able to make your own choices. If you do not think for yourself at some point, you have learned nothing and are only playing follow the leader.
In summary, there is a defining line for black magic and magic until you master it all. There are positive and negative energies to be dealt with and learned about. Each one is an important step and you have nothing without the other, although as I said earlier black magic (or chaos and negative energy) is the all and the foundation of the spiritual and the material which came from it. There comes a time for the serious student when the need for trivial spells and things associated with it will be surpassed, and instead true communication and knowledge will flow through you. You will have a constant connection with the source and will no longer need ritual as a means of learning or 'getting' results. Ritual will become a way of honoring the ones who have taught you. You will not need to deal with things as love spells, and hexes etc. etc. because your time will be spent on things greater, and you will have surpassed the need for it all together.
When you truly understand, you will understand the role of relationships, love, and 'destiny' in general, and you will not interfere with things of the ego. But until then, magic as in casting spells and ritual should serve as a line of communication for you, this will help you to gain access to the realm of the gods/spirits( who ever it is that you wish to connect with).
Darkness is not about being a wicked person. Evil is relative! It is a human condition and has nothing to do with Darkness. I actually studied the concept of evil for many years, I was searching for 'true' or pure spiritual evil. I wanted to know firsthand if it existed. I have come face to face with many kinds of spiritual beings, including demons and although in the beginning they would startle me when they would arrive in the middle of the night unannounced, they are not evil. Just because something is outwardly frightening and remains hidden, does not make it evil. I discovered that evil only exists within humans. Because of this I was eventually able to cut through a lot of the typical social garbage and really learn some thing.
Studying and working with different beings/spirits offers us a way to connect with varying levels of energy as well as function. This gives us the chance to experience the things we would other wise have difficulty understanding. Studying different paths within a total system helps us to learn and experience different sides of ourselves most importantly.
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